With the issuance of Decree No. /259/ of 2007, a new scientific edifice was born in the space of private university education in Syria, represented by the private University of Ebla. This university has drawn and is still drawing, through its scientific and administrative cadres, an advanced picture of education and scientific research, in a way that contributes to the comprehensive development of society.

The administration of Ebla University always seeks to create a distinguished scientific, social and ethical climate for our students so that they graduate with a high scientific, social and national level so that they can be relied upon in the stage of reconstruction, building the future and the development process in Syria.

Through the interaction of its scientific and administrative cadres with its students, this university has achieved important results on various levels scientifically, professionally and socially.

All the best to our university, with our wishes for it to reach the ranks of high-end universities in accordance with international scientific standards.

Trustee of the University

Engineer: Yasser Al-Beik






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نواكب مسيرة التنمية المتسارعة في سورية